Dirty Houses! Crazy Weather! A Broken Chin! huh??
...but it's still a mess inside. Everything is covered in dust; sawdust; and gyprock dust. Oh my. Whatever. It can be cleaned. Hopefully soon though. I wanna move in. Livin' in ole' mom and dad's basement got really old about 3 years ago. With the amount of crap laying everywhere in there, I'm prolly gonna need a blowtorch and a sandblaster to even get through the door. Let's hope my insurance has been approved. Speaking of which...
So yeah, yesterday, it was so hot yesterday morning, the sun was blazing, the air was heavy, nice day for doing nothing. Friend of mine calls me from a few towns over, says they just had tornado warnings, there was severe lightning and rain, hail was flying everywhere, sounded like a good time. Not here! At that time, anyway. About an hour later, same deal here. That all lasted for 20 minutes, it was hot & sunny again. I don't fuckin know what was goin on. Thats the way it went all night. Trippy, man... really trippyyyyy....
What's that on your face? Oh. A softball. Sa-weeet.
So me, being the nice guy, volunteer to play on my friends' coed softball team last night, because they were short on players. Which I don't mind doing at all, because I like to play. I can't swing a bat or throw a baseball for the life of me, but I like to try... It's coed, so it's all in good fun anyways. So I'm playing centre field, and this she-giant steps up to the plate and cracks a ground ball my way. So I squat down to grab it, and right before it gets to me, the little bastard hits a rock and bounces over my glove and smacks me right on the lefthand corner of my chin. My hat and sunglasses fly off, and I just grab the ball and throw it back to first base. You know, whatever, then I see half the team running out to me, asking me if I'm okay. I was like "Uhh, yeah, think so... Why?" Then someone points out the blood that running out of me and down the front of my shirt. Thats when the pain set in. My jaw hurt soooo bad, and my chin was completely numb, like when the dentist freezes your cheek. It was all good though. I sat out the next inning, and after that I was okay. So in the bottom of the 6th inning, I'm up at bat, and she-giant is catching at first base. I hit a line drive her way and SMACK! the ball hits her right in the tit. Now that's poetic justice bitch. Suck on it. She's like "Owwww, thaaaat huuurtsss" I look at her and I'm like "No shit, Amazon, you see my FACE yet??" That shut her up for awhile.
So there you have it. I wake up this morning hung over, with the sore-est jaw I've ever had and I didn't even get it the way I wanted to *tee hee* Anyways, I'm now taking resumes from illegal immigrants to help with the cleanup of my house. The pay? Well, heh heh, it ain't very good, I can tell ya that...
I should get back to work.. I just read an article about how bosses tend to get pissy at work if they catch there employees blogging at work. I guess reading that really had a positive impact on my life. PUHleese.