A first-hand account of the fallout from one drunken summer night in July 2005.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Cold Medication ROCKS

So I've had this trip to Connecticut planned for weeks. I've been so excited, and wouldn't you know, the day before I'm supposed to leave, I get sick. I haven't had any type of illness for over a year, and the one weekend I have actual cemented plans, I get sick. It's just fucking magical. However, I've stocked up on every type of cold medication readily available, and last night before bed, I made myself a nice cocktail. Needless to say, I slept like a frickin' baby all night, and I'm still a little giddy here at work today. Therefore, with my throat sore and my head achey, I will plunge into the various insignificant things that have pissed me off so far today:

- Mariah Carey needs to just GO AWAY. Yes, dear, you were big in the 90's. Well, the 90's are sooo over. Suck it up. Your one attempt at filmmaking pretty much ruined whatever credibility you had left, and this pathetic Princess/Diva act you got goin' on is more irritating than ANYTHING.

- Why is it so goddamn cold??? I know this is Canada, but seriously. It's like -30 degrees outside!!! That's not normal. Especially when I wore nothing but a t-shirt and sleep pants on Christmas Day. This is the second day of March for chrissakes, and my car wouldn't even start yesterday morning.

- I asked Brad if he could drive me over to my point of departure, and to take my car for the weekend so I wouldn't have to leave it unattended (something I don't care to do). So then I find out that he has someplace else to be, and no one else is available to take me over. So in order for me not to leave my car in a strange place with the risk of it getting towed, I need to leave work earlier than expected so he can be on time for his whatever he's doing.

- I'm sick. I'm going on vacation, and I'm sick. Enough said. Even though I already said it above...

My head is spinning in a very nice way. I'm really enjoying the feeling of all the different types of medication mixing together. It's going to make that 8 hour drive seem not so bad. I've only eaten soup for the last 36 hours, and believe you me, I AM HUNGRY. There's not much point in eating anything else; I can't taste anything except the horrible taste you get when you have a cold. Fuck I hate being sick...

The medicine is doing weird things to my mind. I can no longer remember all the things I wanted to blog about... So I'm off until next Monday. I'll let y'all in on the details of my trip after I get back.

Have a good one!


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