A first-hand account of the fallout from one drunken summer night in July 2005.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Warning: I'm gonna get a little religious...

Okay. This has been bugging me ever since I heard of it weeks ago. Everyone making a big deal over the word Christmas. Disregarding "Christmas trees" and substituting them for "Holiday trees". Taking Christmas itself, and calling it basically a Generic Winter Holiday for all. Okay, the buck stops here. I'm sorry. I do not intend to offend any non-Christians. However, I AM a Christian. Christmas is NOT a "holiday" for EVERYONE to enjoy. It is for anyone who believes in Jesus Christ to celebrate his birth. Yes folks, Christmas is actually a BIRTHDAY celebration! Not the selfish, commercial, tried-and-true day off work that everyone has come to know and love. I'm sorry, but I'm getting really sick and tired of hearing people of different religions bitch and moan about being offended at the word Christmas because it has the word "Christ" in it. That's life! If you choose not to believe, that's perfectly fine. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, and their own opinions. BUT, opinions are like assholes: Everybody has one, but not many people really care to hear it. I totally support the Jewish; Muslim; Pagan; etc... religions, and their respective holidays, but there has to be some give somewhere. If you expect us to recognize YOUR holidays, we're not going to do that by pushing OUR holidays out of the way. Hannukah is not on December 25th. Celebrate Hannukah when it takes place!

Okay, I don't mean for it to seem that I'm pointing fingers, which I'm not (or at least I don't mean to). All I am saying is, Christmas isn't Christmas without Christ. It shouldn't be changed to Winter Holiday. In a weeks' time, I'm going to have the biggest motherfucking Christmas tree in my living room, with gay little Christmas songs playing full blast, and if I can manage it, a huge cross on my front lawn just because it's Jesus Christ's birthday.

Like it or not, life isn't a bowl of cherries. Not everybody can be happy as a pig in shit all the time. There are sacrifices, there are disappointments, and there is such a thing as not getting your own way all the time. People need to live with that so we can all co-exist. Merry Christmas!

Well, now that I've got that outta my system... I guess I should start thinking about what I'm gonna do on the weekend. I tried to call Brad at lunch, but there was no answer. Surely there must be something we could do this weekend that didn't happen last weekend. Almost did, but didn't. We need to start meeting up before 4 a.m. so we can stay awake long enough to get done what we set out to do... ;) Well, I'm sure I'll find him somewhere this afternoon, and figure out a way to get him away from his cranky girlfriend. Not that she has any reason not to be angry, her boyfriend and I are screwing around... heehee.


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